The new report by IPPC has warned about the water scarcity, flooding and high temperatures in Maharashtra. The report warns about the impact of climate crisis in Maharashtra. Right now the global temperature is about 1.1 degrees Celsius and the new report states that with the current rate of emission, there is a very little chance to stay below the safe point of 1.5 degrees Celsius. Climate Crisis is already impacting peoples, ecosystems around the world and with the increase in temperature, the effects will get worse.
What is The Synthesis Report?
The Synthesis Report (SYR) is the summary of all reports of the sixth assessment that were released between 2018 and 2023. The fifth assessment ended was ended in 2014. In simple terms, this new IPCC report is the summary of all previous reports on climate crisis that were published between 2018 and 2023.
A Warning for Maharashtra
The new report's alarming conclusion for Maharashtra includes;
- Higher temperatures means more heat waves, which will pose significant health risks to the peoples living in the state. The report also mentions that the state will face Water Scarcity, which will make it difficult for some crops to grow.
- The report highlights about the flooding in many regions due to climate change. The state has already experienced the severe flooding in recent years.
- Rising sea level is one more threat to the state. The state has a long coastline which means the rise in sea level poses threat to the peoples and business located near the coast. The sea level could rise by 1.1 meters by the end of the century, which will increase the flooding and erosion along the coast.
What needs to be done?
As i already mentioned above, our world has already warmed by 1.1 degrees Celsius,so in order to stay within the limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius, our emissions needs to be reduced by at least 43% by 2030 compared to 2019 levels, and at least 60% by 2035. But after all the speeches given by our "climate leaders", the current climate policies are projected to increase global warming by 3.2 degrees Celsius by 2100. Those in power needs to take action now otherwise it will be too late.
Maharashtra to Face, Water Scarcity, Flooding & Higher Temperatures, says IPCC report ↗