March second warmest, April fourth warmest, May third warmest, June warmest ever, July hottest month ever recorded, August warmest ever on record. This summer was all about news on the warmest and record breaking heat. This is all based on the data from the NOAA which says these months are the warmest since the record began in 1850. Now a new report about the following month that is September found that September 2023 was the hottest month on record since 1850.
The report also says that this September broke the previous record of September 2020 by 0.46 degrees Celsius. Ellen Bartow Gillies who is a NOAA climatologist and the lead author of this report says, “September 2023 was actually warmer than the average July from 2001-2010”.
The NOAA report also found that September was the warmest September on record in North America, South America, Europe & Africa. The September heat affected people all over the world. The report also found that ocean surface temperatures were also “unusually high”, which helped fueled intense storms from Libya to New York City. As a result in Libya Storm Daniel caused a dam failure which resulted in the death of more than 11,000 peoples according to UN. Another storm in Europe, storm Dana caused flooding in Spain. In New York, the strong storm brought heavy flooding. Two Typhoons- Saola and Haikui caused widespread damage in Taiwan, Hong Kong City and parts of China. Typhoon Saola cuased flash flooding in Hong Kong. In Taiwan Typhoon Haikui left thousand of peoples without power and water supply. September was the month of Climate Change driven disasters.
Climate Change Could Expose over 2.2 Billion Peoples in India’s Indus Valley and Pakistan to Severe Heat, says a new study by PNAS
A new study by Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences (PNAS) have found that the century’s biggest existential crisis of Climate Change could expose up to 2.2 billion people in India’s Indus Valley and Pakistan to “many hours of heat that surpass human tolerance” by the end of the century. The study found that if global temperatures increase by 1 degree Celsius or more than current levels, it would push billion of peoples each year to heat that extreme they will be unable to cool themselves naturally. Humans can only withstand up to certain heat and after which they starts to get exposed to health related problems such as heat stroke, and even heart attack. And as the temperature continue to rise; billion of peoples will be pushed beyond that limit where they will suffer from many health related problems.
The temperature limit up to which human body of a young and healthy person can withstand heat is 31 degree Celsius that is according to the work published in 2022 by Penn State researchers. As the emissions continue to rise, it is more likely we will hit the point of no return in about 5-10 years which means the billions of peoples will be pushed into a hell where they will be exposed to hours of heat that is beyond their bodies withstand limit.