Friday 26 April 2024

Voted for the first time!!

Hello and this author is back with another story to share and this time, it's not about climate change or human rights violation but about my first time experience of using my power. I'm talking about the power that every individual holds in a democratic country.

In India, the world's biggest election is going on to appoint the prime minister. The voting is done in many phases because there are more than 500 Lok Sabha seats in the parliament and also because of higher population in my country. Today was second phase of the election and it was my turn to vote. This author find it preposterous to have someone in power who does not do anything for it's peoples. The main issues on my list for voting are: climate change and human rights but unfortunately the media of this country is busy to win over some "idiotic fools", instead of reflecting light on them. Yes, I honor them with my kind words. I voted while keeping in my mind that the Manipur is still burning while the media continue to ignore it, i voted while keeping in my mind that peoples are on fast in Ladakh demanding for Sixth Schedule, i voted while keeping in my mind that the rights situation in my country continue to deteriorate, i voted while remembering all those peoples who have lost their loved one because of climate crisis and those who have suffered from the hands of a regime who know nothing but to call any dissenter an "Ant-Indian" or in other words a terrorist.

To be honest, i was waiting for this moment for years but today i didn't felt like going to vote because it was hot today and i just wanted to lay in my bed and watch some cool stuff but still i went out to vote today because i didn't wanted to regret in future. At first, i was really scared and thinking about what are the peoples on the voting booth be like, are they gonna be a little mean, i kept asking questions to my uncle until we got there. But it turns out, it took less than five minutes to me to vote. But what i really hated was the one sign they make on the finger to make sure that person doesn't comes back to vote again. The line that man drew was merely a straight line haha and wasn't unlike in those pictures i saw on the internet. I feel good now. I'm glad i went out and voted. I hope if you are reading this, you also voted today and will vote when your turn will come.

Thank you


Palestine Crisis: How You Can Help?

Hello, and this author is back and this time i have a favor to ask. This post is dedicated to peoples of Palestine who are desperately in ne...