Wednesday 15 May 2024

Palestine Crisis: How You Can Help?

Hello, and this author is back and this time i have a favor to ask. This post is dedicated to peoples of Palestine who are desperately in need of great help and it all comes down to the donation made by us to the big humanitarian agencies and the peoples working on the ground to provide food and water during the months long ongoing crisis between the Israel and State of Palestine. I'm not here with a political purpose. So below is the list of all the organisations, i carefully organised to whom you can donate. Before i start, let me state some facts. As of April 29, 2024 around 34,488 have been killed in the Gaza and out of them 14,500 are children and 9500 women and the figures will continue to increase if peoples are not assisted with humanitarian aid and there is not an immediate ceasefire! The list:-

Medical Aid for Palestinians
It is a charity registered in London, UK that offers medical aid to the Palestinian peoples living in the apartheid in West Bank, Gaza.
Instagram:- @MedicalAidPal
Twitter:- @MedicalAidPal

Save The Children
Save The Children has been working in Palestine since 1953 with a permanent presence in the territory since 1973 to ensure children's safety. 

Oxfam International
Oxfam International is one of the humanitarian organizations that are working on the ground to provide with the best available resources to the peoples stuck in during this crisis like "a bird stuck in a cage, with sky above her head but cannot fly". Please donate and help the peoples in need in any way possible.

Note- I will keep updating this page as more number of organizations name that are working on the ground will be put up here.

Friday 26 April 2024

Voted for the first time!!

Hello and this author is back with another story to share and this time, it's not about climate change or human rights violation but about my first time experience of using my power. I'm talking about the power that every individual holds in a democratic country.

In India, the world's biggest election is going on to appoint the prime minister. The voting is done in many phases because there are more than 500 Lok Sabha seats in the parliament and also because of higher population in my country. Today was second phase of the election and it was my turn to vote. This author find it preposterous to have someone in power who does not do anything for it's peoples. The main issues on my list for voting are: climate change and human rights but unfortunately the media of this country is busy to win over some "idiotic fools", instead of reflecting light on them. Yes, I honor them with my kind words. I voted while keeping in my mind that the Manipur is still burning while the media continue to ignore it, i voted while keeping in my mind that peoples are on fast in Ladakh demanding for Sixth Schedule, i voted while keeping in my mind that the rights situation in my country continue to deteriorate, i voted while remembering all those peoples who have lost their loved one because of climate crisis and those who have suffered from the hands of a regime who know nothing but to call any dissenter an "Ant-Indian" or in other words a terrorist.

To be honest, i was waiting for this moment for years but today i didn't felt like going to vote because it was hot today and i just wanted to lay in my bed and watch some cool stuff but still i went out to vote today because i didn't wanted to regret in future. At first, i was really scared and thinking about what are the peoples on the voting booth be like, are they gonna be a little mean, i kept asking questions to my uncle until we got there. But it turns out, it took less than five minutes to me to vote. But what i really hated was the one sign they make on the finger to make sure that person doesn't comes back to vote again. The line that man drew was merely a straight line haha and wasn't unlike in those pictures i saw on the internet. I feel good now. I'm glad i went out and voted. I hope if you are reading this, you also voted today and will vote when your turn will come.

Thank you


Sunday 31 December 2023

The Climate Diary Of India: Part-II 2023

Hello friends, 

Maanvinder here, the founder and the writer of this project. I'm writing to inform you that the Part-II of The Climate Diary of India summary for 2023 has been cancelled because i was unable to write the whole summary due to my busy schedule that includes covering the climate conference COP28 held in Dubai, UAE and preparing for my exams. I was able to write the summary for July, August and September only so the three month summary was still left to write. I had great hope with this project that i would be able to use my social media platforms to amplify the message of climate justice. However, it didn't turned out so well. I still don't know about my plans for the year 2024 but however if i will write the summary, i will write it as a whole summary for a year and not in two parts. 

Thank you for understanding me

Maanvinder Pilania

Tuesday 12 December 2023

COP28 Day 12 Updates

Today is the last day of the climate conference and the summit is ending with no agreement on phasing out of fossil fuels. Here are the updates:

  • The total pledged money in the Loss and damage fund stands at $700 million with no new pledges from the countries. The loss and damage fund was a huge step but the pledges did not even reached a $1 billion.
  • COP28 is ending with no agreement on phasing out of fossil fuels. The draft released yesterday have no mention of the phrase “ phasing out of fossil fuels”, instead it advises countries to reduce the “consumption and production of fossil fuels, in a just, orderly and equitable manner”. This means the summit was a complete failure.
COP28 Live Blog- Their Voices For Climate

Monday 11 December 2023

COP28 Day 11 Updates

Today is the day 11 at COP28 and here are the updates:
  • COP28 Precidency released a draft text that does not includes anything about phasing out of fossil fuels, leading the summit to a failure.
  • Brazil will host COP30 and Azerbaijan will host COP29 next year.

  • Earlier today, a 12 years old Indian climate activist Licypriya Kangujam stormed the COP28 stage calling for phasing out of fossil fuels. According to her mother, she was kicked out of the conference and her badges have been taken away. Such treatment from the host country with a kid who is standing up for her rights is unjust and is not acceptable.

COP28 Live Blog- Their Voices For Climate

Saturday 9 December 2023

COP28 Day 10 Updates

Today is day 10 of the climate conference and here are all the latest developments:
  • The International Energy Agency has warned that emissions cutting pledges made by 100 countries and 50 fossil firms are not enough to limit the temperature rise to 1.5°C. The IEA has said that if these emissions pledges are delivered then it will only be able to reduce our emissions which is just the 30% cut of what needs in order to limit the temperature rise.

  • Draft COP28 text proposes Azerbaijan to be the next host for the 2024 climate summit between November 11 and 22, The Reuters has reported.

  • Today 350 dot Org activists disrupted the event organised by the oil group OPEC, in which the OPEC's Secretary General was trying to justify why we need oil and gas.

COP28 Live Blog- Their Voices For Climate

Friday 8 December 2023

COP28 Day 9 Updates

Today is the day 9 at COP28 and here are the updates:

  • 340 lobbyists from the industrial agriculture industry are present at the COP28, that’s according to the DeSmog. And out of these 340, 120 are from the meat and dairy industry. 
  • An army of 1900 greenwashing bots have been discovered on twitter which is promoting a environmentally friendly image of the climate conference. That’s according to the disinformation expert Marc Owen Jones.
  • 21 countries have endorsed the Mangrove Breakthrough, a project which aims to restore and protect 15 million hectares of mangroves globally by the year 2030.
COP28 Live Blog- Their Voices For Climate

Palestine Crisis: How You Can Help?

Hello, and this author is back and this time i have a favor to ask. This post is dedicated to peoples of Palestine who are desperately in ne...